Connecting a Temperature Sensor

For the purposes of this guide, we will use a BMP180 which is a Barometric Pressure/Temperature sensor.

Step 1: Connect the 3 volt power from your Pi Cobbler to the power line on your breadboard.

Step 2: Connect BMP180 VIN pin to the power line on your breadboard.

Step 3: Connect the ground pin from your Pi Cobbler to the ground line on your breadboard.

Step 4: Connect BMP180 GND pin to the ground line on your breadboard.

Step 5: Connect SCL pin from BMP180 to SCL pin on Pi Cobbler

Step 6: Connect SDA pin from BMP180 to SDA pin on Pi Cobbler

Step 7: Double check wiring, power Pi back on, and add the BMP180 sensor to your dashboard!